June 23,2012
Science and Technology originates with human existence. Though at the initial stage it was very crude but it not-the-less metamorphosed to what is so celebrated today. It is not controversial or a subject of debate that Nigeria has played a significant role in the various discoveries in the World of Science and Technology which has made a significant impact globally. Starting from the way man perceive his environment, his means of survival or livelihood, his approach to health issues ,information dissemination and retrieval system and how he protect himself reflects different degrees of the scientific approach to solving human problems and challenges.
It will not be easy to capture the entire history of Science and Technology and how it impact current realities in Nigeria in particular and the world at large in one single academic discourse. It will therefore be broken down to its various sub units that constitutes its fundamentals. The Global Technology Archive will serve as a compass and a link junction to the various academic schools of Thought relative to this subject matter and other connected issues. Thus you will find the link below useful:
L .A. Ogunsola and W.A. Aboyade
©Kamla-Raj 2005 J. Soc.SC. 11(1) 7-14 (2005)
Hezekia Oluwasanmi Library, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
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